Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is a MAJOR understatement! Baby is coming in two weeks and I am sick! And have been for the past week. Today I have NO voice none nada and my throat is on fire! I have not been this sick since they took my tonsiles out a couple of years ago. I have SO much to do and I can not move.  I went to the doctor Monday and he gave me some stuff to take and I thought I was feeling better yesterday but it was all lie.  I was up all night again (have not sleep more then 2-3 hours a night for a week) And woke up with a bad headace and a really sore throat and my body just aces from A sleeping on the couch(yes Ian kicked me out of bed b/c I was keeping him up) and B caoughing so much has made the muscle in my tummy so sore and it kills! I REALLY need to get better I can not move and it is killing me.  I want to do all this stuff with Logan before baby comes and I want to wait NEED to CLEAN for my mother in law to come to town.  I think this is what is most stressfull getting my house ready  for my MIL to come. She has never seen our new house and not that she really cares but I am putting a lot of stress on myself for her coming...more then having this baby.  I feel so overwhelemd.  I feel like all I do is CLEAN and it is never done and never clean.  ( Dont get me wrong I dont have like a crazy messy house) just a little unorginzed.  I have my moms pack ratness and my Dads OCD and it drives me crazy. I am not a very orginezed person I try so hard but its just not me.  and I really want it to be before my MIL comes.  And with being sick I have not got ANYTHING done.  On top of that Ian is gone A LOT I dont think he has had a day of (besides sunday and even then he has worked them the last couple of weeks) in like two months.  I am making him take saturday off so we can get things done.  I just hope that I feel better!

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